Discovering the Formula of the Area of a Circle
Plan : Work with a small group to make a display showing relationship between the area of  
circle with the area of the other geometric puzzle from the circle.
Act :
1.Draw a circle with 20 cm in diameter
2.Divide circle into 16 equal sectors
3.Cut each part of the circle
4.Arrange each part into a puzzle of geometric figure
A. Draw a circle with 20 cm in diameter

B. Divide circle into 16 equal sectors
C. Cut each part of the circle

D. Arrange each part into a puzzle of geometric figure

Solve the Problem

Below, some questions to help Solve the problem
1. From the geometric puzzle, what is the formula of area of it ? a.t
2. Can you use this formula to find out the formula of area of a circle ? yes
3. Can you explain and prove that the area of geometric puzzle is equal to the area of the 
             circle ?

Area Circle = Area Parallelogram
Area Circle = a.t
Area Circle = (1/4 .π .2r) (2r)
Area Circle = 1/4 .π .2r . 2r
Area Circle = 1/4 .π .4r²
Area Circle = π.r²


If we discover the area, we will know that the area of 
parallelogram and the circle are same

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